Our Mission
Our Mission

Our Mission is preparation of highly professional mid-level medical specialists by providing high-quality educational services that ensure the formation of competitive and professionally competent graduates prepared for effective work in their specialty at the level of modern standards and the needs of modern society.
Development strategy (quality assurance policy):
- creating an environment for effective interaction and conditions for self-realization of all participants in the educational process;
- expanding the range of educational services;
- improving the quality of education, the development of modern pedagogical technologies;
- development of the material, technical and methodological base of the college;
- formation of partnership relations of interested parties;
- introduction of modern information technologies;
- implementation of effective personnel and financial management and strategic economic development.
Strategic and current plans
The content of education and the organization of the educational process:
1. development of educational and methodological documentation in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard;
2. development of integrated professional educational programs within the framework of continuing professional education;
3. formation of a comprehensive educational and methodological support of the educational process based on a modular competence-based approach;
4. application of personal technologies and teaching methods in the educational process;
5. development of informatization of the educational process, the introduction of information technologies;
6. development of interdisciplinary links;
7. development of research and experimental activities of teachers and students.
2. Expansion of the list of areas for training specialists by introducing new specialties and professions.
3. Development of a strategy for the economic policy of the college in modern socio-economic conditions.
4. Modernization of the structure and management system of an educational institution based on a competency-based approach.
5. Development and implementation of a quality management system in the educational process.
6. Staffing of the college in accordance with modern requirements for the training of a specialist.
7. Development and implementation of a system of socio-economic support for students and college employees.
8. Informatization of the management activities of the college.
9. Development of the material and technical base of the college.
10. Improving the methodological service of the college.
11. Development of social partnership.
Purpose and expected results:
• training of mid-level specialists for medical organizations;
• satisfaction of society's needs for qualified specialists with secondary medical education;
• meeting the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education on the basis of basic general and secondary general education;
• Satisfying the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development through obtaining a secondary professional education in the field of medical practice;
• dissemination of knowledge among the population, raising its educational and cultural level;
• formation of students' civic position and diligence, development of responsibility, independence and creative activity;
• Preservation and enhancement of the moral and cultural values of the society. Program objectives:
• to create in the college an integrated management system for resource provision of a quality system for training medical personnel with secondary vocational education;
• ensure that the professional training of personnel is in line with the current level of healthcare development, taking into account the real and future needs of healthcare institutions in the Kyrgyz Republic;
• continue developing partnerships with medical organizations;
• to form students' competencies of innovative activity:
- the ability and readiness for continuous education, continuous improvement, retraining and self-training, professional mobility, striving for something new;
- ability to critical thinking;
- ability and willingness to take reasonable risks, creativity and entrepreneurship, ability to work independently, readiness to work in a team and in a highly competitive environment.