The Best Paramedic-2022

The Best Paramedic-2022
The Best Paramedic-2022
The Best Paramedic-2022
The Best Paramedic-2022
The Best Paramedic-2022
The Best Paramedic-2022
The Best Paramedic-2022
The Best Paramedic-2022

4.11.22 the contest "The Best Paramedic-2022" was held between 4th year students: team Vita-4 L/D B and Prometheus 4 LD A

During the competition, theoretical knowledge was shown through a quiz, situational and problem tasks, differential diagnostics. Contestants

demonstrated practical skills in parenteral drug administration, emergency care, skillful use of care items and medical products, and also used disinfectants in accordance with current orders.

Contest summary:

1st place - Vita - 4 L/D B

2nd place - Prometheus - 4 LD A.

The nomination for the best paramedic was awarded to: Eliza Usupbayeva