"Multilingualism in modern life" conference

"Multilingualism in modern life" conference
"Multilingualism in modern life" conference
"Multilingualism in modern life" conference
"Multilingualism in modern life" conference
"Multilingualism in modern life" conference
"Multilingualism in modern life" conference

02.21.25Tokmok Medical College participated in an Interuniversity conference among students organized on the basis of the Bishkek Financial and Economic College named after A.Toktonaliev on the topic: "Multilingualism in the modern world. Russian Russian, English languages in the training of specialists" with the report "The role and importance of the Russian language in the training of medical specialists in a multilingual environment"

Russian language competencies necessary for professional communication in the medical field, the use of the

Russian language in medical terminology, and the specifics of its study at a medical college were considered. The practical part includes questionnaires and monitoring. As a result of the conference, conclusions and

suggestions were made. TokMK student Saamaibekova Kanykey under the guidance of Tashtanbekova Ch.K

performed well, and following the results of the conference, our participants were awarded a diploma of the 1st degree.